Monday, 21 February 2011

Dalits - why not rebels?

Even the mildest of animals when cornered attack!
At least in self defence to save their precious lives!!
But Dalits suffer - not for a few years or decades
Few generations and generations after generations
Hundreds and hundreds many hundreds of years
May even be more than many many millenniums
But why don't they rebel at any time in their lives?
At least before dying when often the death is sure! 

Even otherwise they in most places live only a life
Of the dead as if they are only walking skeletons
As if they are only some strange fossils on earth!
Why do they go around totally gutless and weak?
Mostly black often so jet-black distinctly different
From rest of this discriminating intollerant society!
In culture religion worship belief social practices!!
From conception birth growth marriage to death!

Our Balck Friends suffering slavery suppressions,
In Europe the New World of all of the Americas,
And even in their original home-lands in the Africa!
Hardly for just about four hundreds of years only!
How much have they already moved on forward!
Even in those very oppressive parts of the World?
That too amongst all those discriminating peoples!
Right in Europe America and even in their Africa!!

Our Black Brothers originally from lands in Africa!
Forcibly enslaved and taken to slog in New World
Marched ahead boldly openly protesting agitating!
Not scared or worried also not angry with enmity
Against their oppressors - but singing and dancing!
Openly holding hands with one another as friends!!
Moving together with fraternity and brotherhood!!!
But demanding Justice for all including themselves!

Whole World then no doubt across all Continents
Recognise them as they sing about their Liberation
Freedom Justice Fraternity and total Redemption
Their dreams of ultimately succeeding some day!
While World is still to notice the Dalits' Struggles!
Or their lack lustre leaders losting not for any time
Longer than the days of their supporters or props
Or the injustices and discriminations against them!

So it is with all the atrocities exploitations violences,
Let loose on conscious individuals aware of Laws!
And on all those or the whole Dalit Communities,
Listening to such sensitive youngsters with dreams!
In the same world that noticed reacted intervened
Against aparthied regimes of the powerful whites
In favour of relatively small number of the blacks
In South-Africa and elsewhere in America Europe!

                                                              a rebel Dalit

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